Larry Long Archives Have Been Accepted by the Department of Archives and Special Collections at the University of Minnesota Libraries

The University of Minnesota Libraries is one of the largest special collections departments in a university setting in the United States.

Larry Long’s Archives include the life-stories of over one-thousand elders who’ve been honored through his multicultural curriculum entitled ‘Elders’ Wisdom, Children’s Song’. These elder stories personalize their tragedies and triumphs, often against injustice and terrible odds, while contributing to the well-being of their communities.

This collection also includes artifacts from Larry’s fifty-years of performing and organizing throughout the world, including the Central Minnesota Powerline Struggle, American Agriculture Movement’s Tractorcade to Washington D.C., Senator Paul Wellstone, Mississippi River Revival, Run For Freedom with Lakota youth, American Indian Movement, Pete Seeger, Studs Terkel, Fiddlin’ Pete Watercott, Kris Kristofferson, Meridel Le Sueuer, Hormel Strike, Soviet-American Peace Cruises down the Volga and Mississippi Rivers, South Africa, Brazil, PACERS Small Schools Cooperative in rural Alabama, honoring of Mrs. Rosa Parks at the 45th Anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the first hometown tribute for Woody Guthrie in Okemah, Oklahoma.

The University of Minnesota’s goal is to have Long’s archives digitized and available to the public by for his 75th birthday on November 21, 2026.