Run For Freedom

 “Out of muteness, silence, and pain there comes a song. It rises from the earth, the exploitation, work, and sorrow of the people. It rises from struggle kept alive in our wonderful multiplicity and sounds the tenderness of our solidarity. Bird song, people’s songs, from struggle and death, from the lost and gone and mute, out of the corpse of our death we sing.

Then our joyous singer like Larry Long begins to come where we are working, where we are living, and listens, repeats like a mockingbird or notes of nightingales or meadowlarks, makes songs out of the first and last breath. He sings where we are, about what is happening. He takes the real sound, the real words and gives us back our songs and we hear what singers we all are and how beautiful, and how strong.” – Meridel Le Sueur

Run for Freedom is dedicated to Wanbli Wakan Win’ (Kimberly Rose Means) and to those who came before. Kimberly gave her life in service for her people on a spiritual run across South Dakota in 1981.

WANBLI WAKAN WIN’ (Kimberly Rose Means) 1970 – 1981

“Kimberly passed on to the spirit world at the tender age of 11. An innocent young girl who was so full of life – so beautiful.  The loss of a loved one is something you never get used to. You just learn to accept it. In accepting her loss, I choose not to remember the tragedy of her death, but the beauty of her life.  Kimberly has taught me many things and continues to teach me every day. She has taught me the meaning of patience; she has taught me what it means to be humble. And above all, she has taught me the importance of our children and how much they have to off -if we listen.I believe that Kimberly has a message for all of us. Her message is of struggle and sacrifice. And her message is of beauty. A beautiful people. A beautiful land. Beautiful water. A beautiful life! MITAKUYE OYASIN.”  –  Ted Means (Kimberly’s Father)

Featured Songs:

Run for Freedom
Larry Long: Lead Vocal, 12-String Guitar
Ginger Commodore: Vocal
Prudence Johnson: Vocal
Dave Moore: Harmonica
Billy Peterson: Bass
Peter Ostroushko: Violin

Grandma’s Penny Sale
(Give a Prayer for the Farmer)
Larry Long: Lead Vocal, Guitar
Ginger Commodore: Vocal
Prudence Johnson: Vocal
Billy Peterson: Bass
Peter Ostroushko: ViolinIt Feels O.K.
Larry Long: Lead Vocal, Guitar
Claudia Schmidt: Lead Vocal, Dulcimer

Blue Highway
Larry Long: Lead Vocal, Guitar
Claudia Schmidt: Vocal
Clay Riness: Guitar
Billy Peterson: Bass
Peter Ostroushko: Mandolin

Sacred Black Hills
Larry Long: Lead Vocal, Guitar
Claudia Schmidt: Vocal
Billy Peterson: Bass
Peter Ostroushko: Mandolin

Anna Mae
Larry Long: Lead Vocal, Guitar
Claudia Schmidt: Vocal
Billy Peterson: Bass

Larry Long: Lead Vocal, Guitar
Claudia Schmidt: Vocal
Billy Peterson: Bass

American Hymn
Larry Long: Lead Vocal, Guitar
Claudia Schmidt: Vocal
Howard Levy: Harmonica
Doug Lofstrom: Bass
All songs written by Larry Long

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